Bicycle Prestige Marked Cards
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Product Description
Bicycle Prestige - Many professionals prefer the flexibility and durability of plastic cards. Bicycle Prestige offers unmatched durability and is the only 100% plastic card to offer a paper-like feel. Perfect for a neighborhood game or a professional tournament.
Due to its special material, it is considered as the most difficult plastic cards to be marked. With our unique invisible ink solution, we can use our special marked cards printer to mark the bicycle prestige cards perfectly.
In order to reach the best effect of the bicycle prestige marked cards, customers had better to tell us the light that they use.
Dark marks, bright marks are available.
Both red and blue bicyle prestige cards can be marked.
Due to its special material, it is considered as the most difficult plastic cards to be marked. With our unique invisible ink solution, we can use our special marked cards printer to mark the bicycle prestige cards perfectly.
In order to reach the best effect of the bicycle prestige marked cards, customers had better to tell us the light that they use.
Dark marks, bright marks are available.
Both red and blue bicyle prestige cards can be marked.
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